Visibility and Distortion

Visibility and Distortion

Warning adult language.
This is kind of in response to some globe defender making stupid clown videos against me and several other FE’ers.
Arctic Reflections

I’m sick of hearing how we don’t know how to use a camera because they claim we don’t know how to focus it. My response is for them to show me how to focus on a distorted object. Crickets is all I heard on focusing lol.

The test video he poked fun of was actually about angular resolution and visibility limits and by changing the water and air temperture it causes some of the distortion effects we see in real life boat observations.
So of coarse this fool kind of proved my point in my tests.

Just be aware that this Arctic Reflections dude is the real CLOWN and he’s out to make all FE’ers look stupid. Fortunately for us he’s the one that sounds stupid.

Sorry I don’t usually make videos like this but this ball baby pissed me off.