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A strawman argument is a fallacious argument that distorts an opposing stance in order to make it easier to attack. Essentially, the person using the strawman pretends to attack their opponent’s stance, while in reality they are actually attacking a distorted version of that stance which their opponent doesn’t necessarily support.
For example, if someone says “I think that we should give better study guides to students”, a person using a strawman might reply by saying “I think that your idea is bad, because we shouldn’t just be giving out A’s to everyone”.
Because strawman arguments are frequently used in discussion on various topics, it’s important to understand them. As such, in the following article, you will learn more about strawman arguments, and see what you can do in order to counter them successfully.
What is a strawman argument
A strawman argument is a fallacious argument that distorts an opposing stance in order to make it easier to attack.
As such, the use of a strawman consists of the following three stages:
First, person A states their position. (Gary is a useful idiot)
Then, person B presents a distorted version of person A’s original position, while pretending that there’s no difference between the two versions.
Finally, person B attacks the distorted version of person A’s position, and acts as if this invalidates person A’s original argument.
Essentially, person B creates a strawman, which is a distorted version of their opponent’s original argument, that makes it easier for them to attack their opponent’s stance. (Nathan’s goons attacked my channel)
This means that there is a flaw in the premise of the strawman argument, since the stance that it addresses doesn’t accurately reflect the stance that it was originally meant to address. As such, the strawman fallacy is considered to be a type of an informal logical fallacy, and specifically a type of a relevance fallacy, since the person using it is attacking a stance that is not directly relevant to the discussion at hand.
Note: in some cases, the person using the strawman might not present the distorted version of their opponent’s stance before attacking it, but will instead use an attack which simply addresses the distorted stance directly.
Maybe Gary would like to call this detailed demolition of his straw man argument a “condensed novel” rather than actually addressing it.
Additionally Gary attacked a commenters (not my) position and grammar, not spelling as stated in this video (another straw man) in his original response. FYI if you are going to shout a straw man at me in all caps, using a lowercase “i” In “DEBATiNG” makes it seem like you are projecting your own failings on to a straw man you have built.
Learn to type, be a better useful idiot Gary! The heliocentric priests are not impressed.