Mirroring The Alterative To The Curvature

Mirroring The Alterative To The Curvature

I know this con-caved con-vexed mirroring isn’t getting much attention but I think it should be getting more attention. Some might think my theory is crazy but I have a lot of observational proof of it. So I will be taking a few months off to go thru my files to put together some comparisons of good visibility compared to when there is mirroring. Plus I hope to have the time try to do a simulation of the mirroring using water and a mirror and a small boat. I only have one problem and that is I can’t show what I need to show in a five minute video. So yes my videos are long but they are full of information for those willing to watch and really observe.
After 3 years of observations I can honestly say things are being hidden in plain sight.
Thanks for watching.