
  • penneau posted an update 4 years, 11 months ago

    You are a total joke. I have never seen a more uneducated fool in my life. Your YouTube posts show your abject ignorance of basic science, as well as advanced subjects such as geometry, geophysics, astrophysics, earth science as well as mathematics. You failed to prove a single point to back up your position. Also your assertion that no one is allowed to visit the Antarctic is fiction, I have been there several times. During my time in the US Coast Guard we made yearly ice breaking and resupply trips there, also there is no “fleet” guarding the Antarctic the sheer number of ships and personal needed for such a task is huge, and no way that no one involved would not have talked by now. You and the rest of the flat earthtards are a huge mass of uneducated fools. My advice to you all is simple, get an education. BTW fool, I have 3MS degrees and am educated, unlike you.