Heads Up! US Launches New Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, Signs Point to 2025

Heads Up! US Launches New Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, Signs Point to 2025

– According to a press release from the White House:

“This will be a permanent office in the Executive Office of the President charged with leading, coordinating, and implementing actions related to preparedness for, and response to, known and unknown biological threats or pathogens.”

The newly established office will be led by Retired Air Force Major General Paul Friedrichs, who currently holds the position of special assistant to President Joe Biden and serves as the Senior Director for Global Health Security and Biodefense at the White House National Security Council.

The year 2025 seems to have a special importance for global health institutions predicting future events. Multiple scenarios are being played out targeting the year 2025.

Learn More: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/07/21/fact-sheet-white-house-launches-office-of-pandemic-preparedness-and-response-policy/

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