Heed The Warning! Centuries-Old HUNGER STONES Emerge from Dry Riverbeds In Drought-Stricken Regions

Heed The Warning! Centuries-Old HUNGER STONES Emerge from Dry Riverbeds In Drought-Stricken Regions

– Water levels have dropped in major rivers across Europe as the region suffers under a historic drought. In those dry riverbeds, centuries-old warning messages have emerged, locals report.
The “horrifying” boulders are known as “Hungersteine,” or “Hunger Stones,” local German reporter Olaf Koens said in an Aug. 11 tweet.
One of these stones is embedded in the Elbe River, which runs from the mountains of Czechia through Germany to the North Sea.
The stone, dating back to a drought in 1616, is once again visible in the dry riverbed, Hernández-Morales said. The warning reads, “Wenn du mich seehst, dann weine” – “If you see me, weep.”
“The basic inscriptions warn of the consequences of drought. It expressed that drought had brought a bad harvest, lack of food, high prices and hunger for poor people.”

And it all begins… As the rivers run dry!

Learn More: https://strangesounds.org/2022/08/horrifying-centuries-old-hunger-stones-emerge-from-dry-riverbeds-in-drought-stricken-europe.html

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